Earth Weather Inc. is an enterprise which was established to seek to harmonize the global natural environment with human lifestyles and economic activities, by making broad contributions to society through services involving the provision of meteorological information.
Nothing would please us more than to develop and improve along with companies and individuals who agree with the purposes and activities of our company.
Trade Name:Earth Weather lnc.
Address:Frontier Bldg.,4F,1-2-20 Nakamachidai,Tsuzuki-ku,Yokohama,224-0041,Japan
Founded:April 28,1992
Weather Forecast License:Granted June 25,1993 Weather Forecast Business License No.37
Representative:Representative Director Makoto Moriwaki
Capital:¥6.000 million
製鉄所等向け結露情報 Condensation information for steel mills,etc. |
自動車用薄型鋼板の錆防止のための結露情報 Condensation information to prevent rust formation on the thin-type steel plates for automobiles. |
海洋工事向け海洋気象 Hydrographic information for marine construction. |
ケーブル敷設工事 沈没船引揚 護岸工事他 Cable-laying work, salvaging sunken ships, coastal preservation construction, etc. |
海上荷役作業向け気象・海象 Weather and hydrographic information for maritime cargo handling. |
LNGタンカー LNG tankers. 原油タンカー他 Petroleum tankers, etc. |
海上輸送向け海象ルート情報 Hydrographic route information for maritime transport. |
自動車専用運搬船 Specialized vessels for transporting motor vehicles. 調査船(科学技術庁)他 Survey vessels (Science and Technology Agency), etc. |
長期降雪予測情報 Long-term snowfall forecast information. |
食品会社他 Food companies, etc. |
調査解析業務 Investigation and analysis business. |
風力発電建設のための風力分布調査 Wind power distribution analysis for construction of wind power generators. 風力シミュレーション wind power simulations. 大型海洋作業用海象解析シミュレーション Hydrographic analysis simulations for large-scale maritime operations. |
This innovative system has been completed over more than 10 years,supporting safety voyage and fuel saving system more than 20%.Reduction of fuel and less emission of carbon dioxide maximum more over 20% could besuccessfully implemented, and voyage time also shorter than ever.
“Ocean Navi 21”is installed many the state of the art technologies in the system.For example as energy saving and safe technology.“Ocean Navi 21” implements the quantification. Method for function of resistance calculation of a large number of unspecified vessels.
【日本~米国2月出発】新システムによる航海ルートとの比較 【Japan ~ US departed February】Comparison with voyage route by new system ![]() 現在は船舶の大小や型に関係なく波高の大きさ、例えば4m~5m以上の荒天海域は避けて航海する為、大きく迂回する航海をしている。 しかし、例え4m~5m以上の波高でも揺れの加速度の数値(角度)が安全な閾値内であれば十分航海が出来る。 更に当該システムは同時に大幅な燃料の削減と航海時間の短縮が達成出来る事を証明している。 この結果、燃料消費量は、208.2トン削減され、その削減率は、43.4%となる。 Currently we are navigating a large roundabout because we sail around avoiding the size of wave height, for example 4 m ~ 5 m or more in the stormy sea area regardless of the size and type of the ship. However, even if the wave height is 4 m ~ 5 m or more, the voyage can be sufficient if the value (angle) of the acceleration of the swing is within the safe threshold with this system. In addition, the system proves that it is possible to attain substantial fuel reduction and shortening of voyage time at the same time. It is the typical representative voyage example of difference between new system and the traditional one. As a result, fuel consumption is reduced by 208.2 tons, and its reduction rate is 43.4%. |
【ブラジル~シンガポール8月出発】新システムによる航海ルートとの比較 【Brazil - Singapore Departs August】Comparison with voyage route by new system ![]() ここで注目しなければならないのは、A1(本船の航海日誌アブログ)~A2までの波高は3.6m~5.6mであり、当該シミュレーション、S1(シミュレーション)~S2までの波高は、4.4m~5.9mの追い波であった。 更にS1~S2の波・風の方向は240度~250度の方向、つまり船の後方から来ており、加えて海流も順流(後方より)で当該船舶は、大きな波・風にもかかわらず、オーシャンナビ21の数値データでは、上下加速度0.22~0.14、左右加速度0.14~0.11で非常に安定した航海をしている。 この結果、燃料消費量は、194.5トン削減され、その削減率は、9.8%となる。 It should be noted here that the wave height up to A1 (ship's navigator abrog) ~ A2 was 3.6 m to 5.6 m, and the wave height of the simulation to S1 (simulation) to S2 was 4.4 m which was a driving wave of ~ 5.9 m. Furthermore, the waves and winds directions of S1 to S2 were from the direction of 240 to 250 degrees, that is, from the rear of the ship. In addition to this, the ocean current was also forward flow (from the rear), despite the large waves and winds. In the numerical data of Ocean Navi 21, we had a very stable voyage with vertical acceleration of 0.22 to 0.14 and lateral acceleration of 0.14 to 0.11 same as stable voyage. As a result, fuel consumption is reduced by 194.5 tons, and its reduction rate is 9.8%. |
正社員 ※数ヵ月は試用期間あり Full-time employee ※There is a trial period for several months
国内外の陸上及び海上予報 Domestic and overseas land and sea forecasts
弊社予報センター ※仲町台駅から徒歩1分 Our forecast center ※1 minute walk from Nakamachidai Station
シフト制 ※4週8休+祝日、冬季・夏季休暇 Shift system ※4 weeks 8 holidays + public holiday
健康保険・厚生年金・雇用保険 Health insurance / welfare pension / employment insurance
経験・技術・能力に応じて優遇 Preferential treatment according to experience, skill and ability
1992 / 04 | 株式会社アース・ウェザー設立 |
April 1992 | Earth Weather,lnc established. |
1993 / 06 | 気象庁長官による予報業務許可取得 |
June 1993 | Received Forecasting Business License from the Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency. |
1994 / 09 | 通産省の外郭団体ベンチャーエンタープライズセンターにより、"1994年度知識融合型債務保証企業"の認定を受ける |
September 1994 | Certified as a "FY1994 Knowledge Integration-type Debt Obligation Enterprise" by the Venture Enterprise Center(VEC),an extra-departmental body of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry(MITI). |
1996 / 06 | インターネットで局地気象予報情報の配信を開始 |
June 1996 | Began distribution of localized meteorological forecast information via the Internet. |
中小企業ニューフロンティア賞において、"ベンチャー賞" 受賞 |
The "Venture Prize,"among the New Frontier Prizes for small businesses. |
1997 / 07 | (財)新技術開発財団より、世界海洋バージョン"マリンナビ/SUPER21"システム開発のための助成金授与 |
July 1997 | Received a grant from the New Technology Development Foundation for development of the "Marine Navi/SUPER21"global marine version. |
1997 / 12 | 神奈川県および中小企業庁より中小企業創造法認定 |
December 1997 | Certified by Kanagawa Prefecture and the Small and Medium Enterprises. |
"任意の局地点におけるGPS電波伝播遅延解析による降水量予測システム"開発着手 |
Began developing a "Rainfall Volume Forecasting System Using GPS Electromagnetic Wave Diffusion Delay Analysis for Designated Local Areas." |
1998 / 08 | "鉄鋼会社向け構内ネットワーク対応総合気象システム"(結露情報システムを含む)を納入開始 |
August 1998 | Began deliveries to steel companies of on-premise network response integrated meteorological systems(including condensation information systems) |
2000 / 03 | 中小企業経営革新法"NOAA衛星雲除去"による助成金授与 |
March 2000 | Under the Law for Supporting Business Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises,received a grant for "NOAA Satellite Cloud Removal." |
2000 / 08 | 東海大学海洋研究所フロンティアリサーチセンターに"NOAA衛星画像受信アンテナ"設置 |
August 2000 | Installed an antenna for reception of NOAA satellite images at the Frontier Research Center within the Institute of Oceanic Research and Development at Tokai University. |
2001 / 01 | 漁業事業者向けWeb版気象海象情報"水あげ君"システムを開発 |
January 2001 | Developed a web version of the "Mizuage Kun"("Catch Buddy") meteorological and hydrographic information system for fishing industry operators. |
2001 / 03 | 富士ニュービジネス育成基金により"GPS搭載型新結露監視予測システム"開発着手 |
March 2001 | Began developing a "GPS-installed type New Condensation Monitoring and Forecasting System" with a grant from the Fuji New Business Nurturing Fund. |
2002 / 03 | NHK連続ドラマ小説"まんてん"制作に参加 |
March 2002 | Participated in production of the NHK serialized drama "Manten". |
2004 / 02 | 米国イリジウム衛星通信のデータ・音声通信(ソフト)及び、その関連設備(ハード)の販売開始 |
February 2004 | Began marketing U.S. iridium satellite communications data, speech communications(software) and related equipment(hardware). |
2004 / 10 | 世界版"船舶航行自動解析処理システム"の開発に着手 |
October 2004 | Began development of a global version of the "Ship Navigation Automatic Analytical Processing System". |
2005 / 02 | 米国 MODIS/AQUA 地球環境衛星によるプランクトン・水色データ処理を全球規模にて画像処理 |
February 2005 | Global-scale image processing for plankton/water color data from the U.S.MODIS/AQUA global environment satellite. |
2005 / 10 | 中小企業整備機構により、第1回中小企業・ベンチャー挑戦支援事業のうち、事業化支援事業にかかる助成金交付対象に採択され、"船舶最適航行支援システム"の事業化に着手 |
October 2005 | After being selected by the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation,JAPAN(SME Support,JAPAN) for a grant to help start up a business operations as one of the companies selected in the 1st group of challenge support businesses among small and medium size enterprises and ventures,began moving towards business operations for the "System for Support of Optimum Ship Navigation". |
2007 / 04 | 2007年4月 ~ 2009年3月、東海大学海洋学部海洋研究所と、NASAJason・QuickSCATによる海洋の流れを算出する調査を開始 |
April 2007 | From April 2007 together with the Institute of Oceanic Research and Development in the School of Marine Science and Technology of Tokai University and NASA Jason/QuickSCAT commenced surveys to compute ocean currents to last through March 2009. |
2011 / 04 | 横浜市経済局による中小企業研究開発促進助成支援対象事業 重点枠 環境分野に採択される |
April 2011 | Selected by the Economic Affairs Bureau of the City of Yokohama as a business to be assisted through a small and medium enterprise R&D promotion grant with the emphasis framework being in the environmental sector. |
開発期間:2年間(2011年4月~2013年3月) |
Development Period:Two years(April2011-March2013) |
"衛星海流解析と船舶動揺自動制御技術による省エネ航海システムの開発" |
"Development of an Energy-saving Navigation System through Satellite Ocean Current Analysis and Vessel Pitch and Roll Automatic Control Technologies" |
2013 / 06 |
経済産業省地域中小企業イノベーション創出補助事業*に採択される 開発期間:2013年7月~2014年3月 |
June 2013 |
Selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) as a business* to receive a regional small and medium enterprise innovation creation subsidy. Development Period:July 2013-March2014 |
"海流解析と自動制御技術で最大20%以上の省エネ安全航海クラウド情報提供システムの構築" (オーシャンナビ21システム) |
"Establishment of a System for the Provision of Safe Navigation 'Cloud' Information Delivering Maximum Energy Saving of 20% or More through Use of Ocean Current Analysis and Automatic Control Technologies"(Ocean Navi 21 System) |
*2013年度経済産業省技術革新部門で、全国107社応募の中から12社が選定、その一社として海洋環境部門で弊社が選抜 |
*During FY2013 for the technology innovation sector, METI selected 12 companies from 107 firms which had applied nationwide, with Earth Weather Inc. being selected as one of them(in the ocean environment field). |
2014 / 01 | (独)中小企業基盤整備機構の2014年度海外展開支援事業(F/S)に採択され 、中小企業基盤整備機構の専門家及びスタッフと共にシンガポールにおいて大手海運会社に当該“オーシャンナビ21”システムの説明、及び、デモンストレーションを実行し好評を博した。 |
January 2014 | The Small & Medium Enterprises Innovation, JAPAN (F/S) selected to support feasibility study for "Ocean Navi 21" system demonstration at shipping lines in Singapore and won a favorable reception. |
2014 / 04 |
中小企業庁の平成25年度補正中小企業・小規模事業者ものづくり・商業・サービス革新事業に係る補助事業に採択される。 開発期間:2014年8月~2015年4月 「独自解析技術とソフトで最大20%の省エネ航海ルート情報提供の高度化の開発」(オーシャンナビ21システム) |
April 2014 | The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency supported the development from August, 2014 to April, 2015, for the "Industrialization of original technology and its software up to max.20% of energy saving voyage routes system" (Ocean Navi 21 system) |
2016 / 03 | 中小企業庁ものづくり補助金(平成25年度補正予算)支援事業の革新的サービスにおける分野で、優良事例として紹介され、内閣府のサイトに掲載される。 「独自解析技術とソフトで最大20%の省エネ航海ルート情報提供の高度化の開発」(オーシャンナビ21システム) |
March 2016 |
Selected by a Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of METI, in the environment of innovational manufacturing Services, putting on the H.P. of Cabinet office Government of Japan, “Ocean Navi 21”starting-up to provide the Energy-saving Navigation System reducing max. over 20% fuel consumption by their own technologies. |